NEW YORK – Ben Jealous has announced his endorsement of Tali Farhadian Weinstein’s campaign for Manhattan district attorney.

“As the Trump administration continues to erode the civil and human rights of Black and brown Americans, trust in our political and legal institutions is at an all-time low. People are hungry for authentic leaders they can believe in — people they can trust, who will serve their communities with vulnerability and honesty, and work to bend the moral arc of our universe toward justice. I’m proud to endorse one of those leaders, my friend, Tali Farhadian Weinstein,” said Ben Jealous. “I’ve known Tali for more than 20 years, first as a fellow Rhodes Scholar and then as a friend and ally in President Obama’s Justice Department. Under her leadership, I have no doubt Manhattan will set an example for the rest of the country of what it means to prosecute tough cases AND treat communities fairly.”
Tali has also received the endorsement of Eric Holder, the 82nd Attorney General of the United States, which was included in her campaign announcement on July 13th.
“I’ve long looked up to Ben for his leadership, his moral courage, his absolute commitment to justice, and his fight for Black Americans, people of color, and all for whom the American dream has not been fully realized. We have worked together and alongside each other to build a criminal justice system that delivers on equity for all. I’m honored to have his endorsement,” said Tali Farhadian Weinstein.
In 2008, Ben was chosen as the youngest-ever president and CEO of the NAACP. During his tenure, he doubled the organization’s budget, grew its online activist base by hundreds of thousands and increased its number of donors eightfold, from 16,000 to 132,000. He pushed for the organization to fight more aggressively for marriage equality, led efforts to register 374,000 voters and mobilize 1.2 million new voters to the polls, and worked to pass key legislative accomplishments during President Obama’s first term, most notably the Affordable Care Act. Ben is currently the President of People for the American Way.